Sunday, April 26, 2009

Officially Blocked

She blocked me... She blocked me... She blocked me... She blocked me... from messenger.

I'm now so blind...
I can't see the world..
I'm lost..
I'm clueless..

It's just 1 stupid conversation that I called Yi An a "small kid". Then.. this happens.. I was just playing around as usual.. But what happened now.. This is way beyond my imagination..

I'm sad.. I felt I'm so stupid.. Then I search for her hotmail account... I found out... Her past...

She's hurt..
She's sad..
She's afraid..
She's broken hearted.

So, what shall I do? I can't make a move yet.. There's a slash in her heart... Now I'm totally blank on what I want to say... I'm trying to hold my sadness from my face.. I don't have mood now to write on... Although I got plenty of things to tell..

1 comment:

nicky-san said...

oh wow. Don't get so uptight over it, u don't want the same thing happening right? (u know what i mean)

And why'd u make a move so fast? Is rushing really that worth it?
